Friday, 23 April 2010

Our Manifesto


  1. Whatever it is:

    It must not be literal

    It must make me feel something

    It must not only be confined to an art space

    It must not depict a utopia

    It must not depict a dystopia

    It must have an element of sound

    It must complicate our experience of time

    It must include the human

    It must not only include the human

    It must not contain images in which polar bears appear to be cute

    It must be playful

    It must be deadly serious

    It must not be singular

    It must not use unrecontextualised images of climate impacts

    It must consider its audience

    It must appear in more than one form in more than one place at more than one time

    It must be mobile

  2. It must make the elsewhere here, and make here feel like an elsewhere?
